Project of WP-MOD initiating

To better organize the multi-omics data of woody plant in bulk and provide users with friendly interfaces and easy-to-use tools, a comprehensive omics database, WP-MOD was constructed, including 286 assembly genomes and detailed annotation. In addition, WP-MOD contains a collection worldwide germplasms, taxonomy and herbarium specimen resource; re-analyses of RNA sequencing datasets; a complete miRNAome; epigenetic data on the genome-wide chromatin accessibility landscape; and various research papers published in the last decade. Three hierarchically accessible functions (Species, Taxonomy, and Tools) have been developed with a user-friendly interface to enable convenient data access. Eight built-in tools (BLAST, JBrowse, Gene Retrieval, Transcriptional Factor, Primer Design, Gene Annotation, Gene Ortholog, and PlantiSMASH) are available for data browsing, functional gene exploration, and experimental practice.