
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA1039995 The first epigenetic atlas of kiwifruit (Actinidia Chinensis var. 'Donghong') -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR26816470 ChIP-Seq of Actinidia chinensis: three years old young leaf from China: Wuhan, Donghong, AcDH_Leaf ILLUMINA 7.45 G
SRR26816480 ChIP-Seq of Actinidia chinensis: three years old young leaf from China: Wuhan, Donghong, AcDH_Leaf ILLUMINA 5.74 G
SRR26816481 ChIP-Seq of Actinidia chinensis: three years old young leaf from China: Wuhan, Donghong, AcDH_Leaf ILLUMINA 8.2 G
SRR26816482 ChIP-Seq of Actinidia chinensis: one year old young bilateral root from China: Wuhan, Donghong, AcDH_Root ILLUMINA 8.19 G
SRR26816483 ChIP-Seq of Actinidia chinensis: one year old young bilateral root from China: Wuhan, Donghong, AcDH_Root ILLUMINA 12.43 G
SRR26816484 ChIP-Seq of Actinidia chinensis: three years old young leaf from China: Wuhan, Donghong, AcDH_Leaf ILLUMINA 5.88 G