
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA698764 In this study, Bruguiera parviflora was sequenced by 10x linked read and scaffolding by HI-C reads using HiRISE software Pootakham et al., 2022
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR15041505 RNA-Seq of Bruguiera parviflora: 45 years plant with flower from Thailand: Ranong BGISEQ 10795832400 bp
SRR15041506 RNA-Seq of Bruguiera parviflora: 45 years plant with root from Thailand: Ranong BGISEQ 11804657700 bp
SRR15041507 RNA-Seq of Bruguiera parviflora: 45 years plant with leaf from Thailand: Ranong BGISEQ 13434594900 bp