Bioproject |
Description |
Publication |
GVCF File |
Library Num. |
PRJNA1002123 |
The study focuses on assessing transcriptomic responses of five-year-old southern Taxus chinensis to simulated drought stress using artificial pot water control. |
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Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR25516044 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, H_1 |
3476991600 bp |
SRR25516045 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, M_3 |
3318534000 bp |
SRR25516046 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, M_2 |
3280981350 bp |
SRR25516047 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, M_1 |
3431296500 bp |
SRR25516048 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, L_3 |
3135767400 bp |
SRR25516049 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, L_2 |
3972229650 bp |
SRR25516050 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, L_1 |
3911516400 bp |
SRR25516051 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, C_3 |
3637747500 bp |
SRR25516052 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, R_23 |
3617101800 bp |
SRR25516053 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, R_22 |
3550281450 bp |
SRR25516054 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, R_21 |
2830443750 bp |
SRR25516055 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, R_13 |
3623691300 bp |
SRR25516056 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, R_12 |
3580104000 bp |
SRR25516057 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, R_11 |
3144308850 bp |
SRR25516058 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, H_3 |
3578079150 bp |
SRR25516059 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, H_2 |
3385546200 bp |
SRR25516060 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, C_2 |
4186486500 bp |
SRR25516061 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: summer stage plant with leaf from China: Xinyang, C_1 |
3621925650 bp |
PRJNA251671 |
two Taxus cell lines, CA (sub-cultured for 10 years) and NA (fresh separated and sub-cultured for 6 months) were quantified at both mRNA and miRNA levels by high-throughput sequencing. |
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Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR1343572 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: leaf, NA, NA (fresh separated and sub-cultured for 6 months) |
964617724 bp |
SRR1343576 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: leaf, CA, CA (sub-cultured for 10 years) |
979913858 bp |
SRR1339463 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: leaf, NA, NA (fresh separated and sub-cultured for 6 months) |
4830001200 bp |
SRR1339474 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: leaf, CA, CA (sub-cultured for 10 years) |
4830001200 bp |
PRJNA580323 |
The Taxus chinensis regeneration tissues RNA-seq data for different time after bark girdling |
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Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR10381647 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: 60 days after bark girdling stage plant with bark regeneration tissues from China:Hubei, TcBark-P60 |
5926843620 bp |
SRR10381648 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: 18 days after bark girdling stage plant with bark regeneration tissues from China:Hubei, TcBark-P18 |
5572034256 bp |
SRR10381649 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: 12 days after bark girdling stage plant with bark regeneration tissues from China:Hubei, TcBark-P12 |
4944780220 bp |
SRR10381650 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: 6 days after bark girdling stage plant with bark regeneration tissues from China:Hubei, TcBark-P6 |
5110024098 bp |
SRR10381651 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: 0 day after bark girdling stage plant with bark regeneration tissues from China:Hubei, TcBark-P0 |
5572471586 bp |
PRJNA730337 |
A chromosome-level genome assembly of Taxus chinensis var. mairei uncovers its unique genome evolution process and genetic architectures for the paclitaxel biosynthesis pathway. |
Xiong et al., 2021 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR14744724 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: jasmonate after 8 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B8h-MJ |
5896574700 bp |
SRR14744725 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: solvent (ethanol) after 8 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B8h_CK |
4956329700 bp |
SRR14744726 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: jasmonate after 4 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B4h-MJ |
6000769500 bp |
SRR14744727 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: solvent (ethanol) after 4 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B4h_CK |
6318557100 bp |
SRR14744728 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: jasmonate after 2 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B2h-MJ |
6705709800 bp |
SRR14744730 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: solvent (ethanol) after 2 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B2h_CK |
4746723600 bp |
SRR14744731 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: jasmonate after 24 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B24h-MJ |
6624748200 bp |
SRR14744732 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: solvent (ethanol) after 24 hours treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B24h_CK |
5300912400 bp |
SRR14744733 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: jasmonate after 0 hour treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B0h-MJ |
7196379600 bp |
SRR14744734 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: solvent (ethanol) after 0 hour treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, B0h_CK |
5284571700 bp |
SRR14744735 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, cell_line_197_rep3 |
5435837545 bp |
SRR14744736 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, cell_line_197_rep2 |
7149470317 bp |
SRR14744737 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, cell_line_197_rep1 |
5827620823 bp |
SRR14744738 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, cell_line_16_rep3 |
5654604462 bp |
SRR14744739 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, cell_line_16_rep1 |
6966175680 bp |
SRR14744741 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cell line from China:Hunan, cell_line_16_rep2 |
6001764997 bp |
SRR14744742 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with root from China:Hunan, mtr_rep3 |
4089146107 bp |
SRR14744743 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with root from China:Hunan, mtr_rep2 |
4645257829 bp |
SRR14744744 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with root from China:Hunan, mtr_rep1 |
4226959820 bp |
SRR14744745 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, mtl_rep3 |
5103470410 bp |
SRR14744746 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, mtl_rep2 |
4829711192 bp |
SRR14744747 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, mtl_rep1 |
4894159184 bp |
SRR14744748 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cone from China:Hunan, mtf_rep3 |
3907741194 bp |
SRR14744749 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cone from China:Hunan, mtf_rep2 |
5099575141 bp |
SRR14744750 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cone from China:Hunan, mtf_rep1 |
5285004841 bp |
SRR14744752 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with bark from China:Hunan, mtb_rep3 |
4860769369 bp |
SRR14744753 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with bark from China:Hunan, mtb_rep2 |
5042816461 bp |
SRR14744754 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with bark from China:Hunan, mtb_rep1 |
5177449069 bp |
SRR14744755 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, mft_rep3 |
4698563886 bp |
SRR14744756 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, mft_rep2 |
4595817232 bp |
SRR14744757 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, mft_rep1 |
4907974719 bp |
SRR14744758 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cone from China:Hunan, mfs_rep3 |
3931330922 bp |
SRR14744759 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cone from China:Hunan, mfs_rep2 |
4804057132 bp |
SRR14744760 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with cone from China:Hunan, mfs_rep1 |
4490815263 bp |
SRR14744761 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with root from China:Hunan, mfr_rep3 |
4858522240 bp |
SRR14744763 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with root from China:Hunan, mfr_rep2 |
3913969171 bp |
SRR14744764 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with root from China:Hunan, mfr_rep1 |
5023885438 bp |
SRR14744765 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with bark from China:Hunan, mfb_rep3 |
4782804248 bp |
SRR14744766 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with bark from China:Hunan, mfb_rep2 |
5402100334 bp |
SRR14744767 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: no treatment and mature stage plant with bark from China:Hunan, mfb_rep1 |
4893635266 bp |
PRJNA751266 |
Transcriptome data of leaves treated and untreated with endophytic fungus Pseudodidymocyrtis lobariellae KL27 |
Cao et al., 2022 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR15317970 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, Y6H1_1.R2 |
7614825244 bp |
SRR15317971 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, Y0_5H1_3.R2 |
7341939222 bp |
SRR15317972 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, Y0_5H1_2.R2 |
5062031560 bp |
SRR15317973 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, Y0_5H1_1.R2 |
6822967935 bp |
SRR15317974 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, CK6H1_3.R2 |
6910200667 bp |
SRR15317975 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, CK6H1_2.R2 |
6232525481 bp |
SRR15317976 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, CK6H1_1.R2 |
6825859408 bp |
SRR15317977 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, CK0_5H1_3.R2 |
7930384049 bp |
SRR15317978 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, Y6H1_3.R2 |
7160592363 bp |
SRR15317979 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, Y6H1_2.R2 |
6831956910 bp |
SRR15317980 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, CK0_5H1_2.R2 |
7933980931 bp |
SRR15317981 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: Growth period stage plant with Leaves from China: Jiangsu Province, Taxus, CK0_5H1_1.R2 |
6942602657 bp |
PRJNA848951 |
The study investigates how different light conditions affect the growth, metabolism, and paclitaxel production in Taxus chinensis saplings, shedding light on optimizing cultivation for enhanced paclitaxel yield. |
Li et al., 2022 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR19646419 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-ML3 |
7859706590 bp |
SRR19646420 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-ML2 |
7733786400 bp |
SRR19646421 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-ML1 |
6810657752 bp |
SRR19646422 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-LL3 |
8160699118 bp |
SRR19646423 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-LL2 |
3831107830 bp |
SRR19646424 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-LL1 |
7927658140 bp |
SRR19646425 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-HL3 |
7822539854 bp |
SRR19646426 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-HL2 |
7453806910 bp |
SRR19646427 |
RNA-Seq of Taxus chinensis: seedling stage plant with Leaf from China:Pingdingshan, T. chinensis (Pilger) Rehd., Taxus_chinensis-HL1 |
7271251036 bp |