
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA413418 The RNAseq data from 21 species of dominant tree species in the Wabikon Lake Forest Dynamics Plot in Wisconsin, U.S.A. The plot is part of the Smithsonian ForestGeo Network. Swenson et al., 2017
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR6134176 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: Leaf from USA: Michigan, NGS_WL_152 ILLUMINA 4267660200 bp
SRR6134177 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: Leaf from USA: Michigan, NGS_WL_151 ILLUMINA 4260752400 bp
SRR6134178 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: Leaf from USA: Michigan, NGS_WL_150 ILLUMINA 4233815200 bp
SRR6134179 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: Leaf from USA: Michigan, NGS_WL_149 ILLUMINA 4301383800 bp
SRR6134180 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: Leaf from USA: Michigan, NGS_WL_148 ILLUMINA 4398700400 bp
SRR6134181 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: Leaf from USA: Michigan, NGS_WL_147 ILLUMINA 4194775000 bp
PRJNA474519 The study focuses on identifying genes associated with Dutch elm disease resistance in American elm trees through transcriptome analysis of susceptible and resistant trees infected with Ophiostoma novo-ulmi. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR7257139 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, Valley Forge-5, V-96h-R2 ILLUMINA 7980931012 bp
SRR7257140 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, Valley Forge-6, V-96h-R3 ILLUMINA 8163126568 bp
SRR7257141 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, Valley Forge-1, V-0h-R1 ILLUMINA 7945136932 bp
SRR7257142 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, Valley Forge-2, V-0h-R2 ILLUMINA 7982153404 bp
SRR7257143 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, susceptible American elm saplings-1, S-0h-R1 ILLUMINA 5883393472 bp
SRR7257144 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, susceptible American elm saplings-2, S-0h-R2 ILLUMINA 7943630036 bp
SRR7257145 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, susceptible American elm saplings-3, S-0h-R3 ILLUMINA 7303585288 bp
SRR7257146 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, susceptible American elm saplings-4, S-96h-R1 ILLUMINA 8280861192 bp
SRR7257147 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, susceptible American elm saplings-6, S-96h-R3 ILLUMINA 8528607572 bp
SRR7257148 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, Valley Forge-3, V-0h-R3 ILLUMINA 8167741384 bp
SRR7257149 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, Valley Forge-4, V-96h-R1 ILLUMINA 7159490584 bp
SRR7257150 RNA-Seq of Ulmus americana: 5 years old plant with stem from Canada: Guelph, susceptible American elm saplings-5, S-96h-R2 ILLUMINA 7301439212 bp