Bioproject |
Description |
Publication |
GVCF File |
Library Num. |
PRJNA297953 |
Salt-responsive differential gene expression analysis by RNA sequencing in the roots of Avicennia officinalis |
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Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR2570361 |
RNA-Seq of Avicennia officinalis: two-month-old control treatment plant with root; GSM1903805 |
6681942180 bp |
SRR2570362 |
RNA-Seq of Avicennia officinalis: two-month-old control treatment plant with root; GSM1903806 |
7912714500 bp |
SRR2570363 |
RNA-Seq of Avicennia officinalis: two-month-old 500 mM NaCl treatment plant with root; GSM1903807 |
5639547780 bp |
SRR2570364 |
RNA-Seq of Avicennia officinalis: two-month-old 500 mM NaCl treatment plant with root; GSM1903808 |
4405133520 bp |
PRJNA381534 |
Avicennia officinalis transcriptome or gene expression |
lv et al., 2018 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR5412281 |
RNA-Seq of Avicennia officinalis: maturation stage plant with leaf from Indonesia: Cilacap\, Java Island; Aofficinalis |
3624247600 bp |
PRJNA817364 |
Transcriptome sequencing of Mangrove |
He et al., 2022 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR18449584 |
RNA-Seq of Avicennia officinalis: mature plant with leaf; Aofficinalis_leaf |
3592324800 bp |