
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA343064 Transcript data of pigeon pea shoot tissue. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR4267270 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt tolerant pigeon pea genotype seedling shoot from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 7, Tolerant treated shoot (TTS) ILLUMINA 9421450500 bp
SRR4267271 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt tolerant pigeon pea genotype seedling shoot from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 7, Tolerant control shoot (TCS) ILLUMINA 11486681700 bp
SRR4267272 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt susceptible pigeon pea genotype seedling shoot from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 1071, Susceptible treated shoot (STS) ILLUMINA 11755520400 bp
SRR4267273 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt susceptible pigeon pea genotype seedling shoot from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 1071, Susceptible control shoot (SCS) ILLUMINA 9311903400 bp
PRJNA344973 RNA-seq data was generated from embryo sac from the day of anthesis (0 DAA), seed and pod wall (5, 10, 20 and 30 DAA) of pigeonpea variety “Asha” (ICPL 87119) using Illumina HiSeq 2500. About 684 million sequencing reads have been generated from nine samples. Pazhamala et al., 2016
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR4341972 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with embryo sac from India, Em_0 ILLUMINA 8914075170 bp
SRR4341973 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with seed from India, Sd_5 ILLUMINA 7362151994 bp
SRR4341974 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with seed from India, Sd_10 ILLUMINA 8363456702 bp
SRR4341975 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with seed from India, Sd_20 ILLUMINA 9550348304 bp
SRR4341976 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with seed from India, Sd_30 ILLUMINA 5956591756 bp
SRR4341977 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with pod wall from India, Pw_5 ILLUMINA 6884853062 bp
SRR4341978 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with pod wall from India, Pw_10 ILLUMINA 6952668704 bp
SRR4341979 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with pod wall from India, Pw_20 ILLUMINA 8049785648 bp
SRR4341980 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage plant with pod wall from India, Pw_30 ILLUMINA 7049782224 bp
PRJNA354681 A gene expression atlas of Cajanus cajan (CcGEA) provides a valuable resource for pigeonpea to identify candidate genes involved in specific developmental processes and to understand the well-orchestrated growth and developmental process in this resilient crop. Pazhamala et al., 2017
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR5199304 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage mature seed from India, GEA_PP_30 ILLUMINA 4204883681 bp
SRR5199305 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage immature seed from India, GEA_PP_29 ILLUMINA 5025964654 bp
SRR5199306 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage mature pod from India, GEA_PP_28 ILLUMINA 6401002647 bp
SRR5199307 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage shoot apical meristem from India, GEA_PP_27 ILLUMINA 5524483637 bp
SRR5199308 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage sepal from India, GEA_PP_26 ILLUMINA 7627823988 bp
SRR5199309 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage petal from India, GEA_PP_25 ILLUMINA 6464377009 bp
SRR5199310 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: senescence stage root from India, GEA_PP_24 ILLUMINA 6907901692 bp
SRR5199311 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: senescence stage leaf from India, GEA_PP_23 ILLUMINA 7791224093 bp
SRR5199312 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: senescence stage petiole from India, GEA_PP_22 ILLUMINA 7086307958 bp
SRR5199313 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage petiole from India, GEA_PP_21 ILLUMINA 6959032744 bp
SRR5199314 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: senescence stage stem from India, GEA_PP_20 ILLUMINA 2725480438 bp
SRR5199315 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage stem from India, GEA_PP_19 ILLUMINA 3151886882 bp
SRR5199316 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage immature pod from India, GEA_PP_18 ILLUMINA 2819871884 bp
SRR5199317 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage nodule from India, GEA_PP_17 ILLUMINA 3091667482 bp
SRR5199318 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage root from India, GEA_PP_16 ILLUMINA 3454045714 bp
SRR5199319 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage pistil from India, GEA_PP_15 ILLUMINA 2728914542 bp
SRR5199320 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage stamen from India, GEA_PP_14 ILLUMINA 2621135144 bp
SRR5199321 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage flower from India, GEA_PP_13 ILLUMINA 3272108042 bp
SRR5199322 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage bud from India, GEA_PP_12 ILLUMINA 2554982012 bp
SRR5199323 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage leaf from India, GEA_PP_11 ILLUMINA 2969013792 bp
SRR5199324 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: vegetative stage leaf from India, GEA_PP_10 ILLUMINA 1935337396 bp
SRR5199325 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: vegetative stage root from India, GEA_PP_09 ILLUMINA 1646271172 bp
SRR5199326 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: vegetative stage nodule from India, GEA_PP_08 ILLUMINA 2523213848 bp
SRR5199327 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: vegetative stage shoot apical meristem from India, GEA_PP_07 ILLUMINA 2442257178 bp
SRR5199328 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling stage root from India, GEA_PP_06 ILLUMINA 2486019594 bp
SRR5199329 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling stage shoot from India, GEA_PP_05 ILLUMINA 2013371016 bp
SRR5199330 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: germinal stage embryo from India, GEA_PP_04 ILLUMINA 1705098306 bp
SRR5199331 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: germinal stage hypocotyl from India, GEA_PP_03 ILLUMINA 3455578422 bp
SRR5199332 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: germinal stage radical from India, GEA_PP_02 ILLUMINA 2295184670 bp
SRR5199333 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: germinal stage cotyledons from India, GEA_PP_01 ILLUMINA 3463220292 bp
PRJNA382795 Transcriptome of salt- tolerant and salt- susceptible pigeon pea genotypes under control and salt treated root tissue. Chakraborty et al., 2023
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR5451688 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt tolerant pigeon pea genotype seedling with root from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 7 , TTR ILLUMINA 6066132300 bp
SRR5451689 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt tolerant pigeon pea genotype seedling with root from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 7 , TCR ILLUMINA 4999451100 bp
SRR5451690 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt susceptible pigeon pea genotype seedling with root from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 1071 , STR ILLUMINA 8323049700 bp
SRR5451691 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks salt susceptible pigeon pea genotype seedling with root from India: New delhi\, IARI, ICP 1071 , SCR ILLUMINA 9090576900 bp
PRJNA419874 Transcriptome profiling of isogenic lines in pigeonpea for identification of candidate genes and metabolic pathways associated with male sterility induced by A2 cytoplasm. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR6325908 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: flower bud from India: Kanpur, ICPL 88039B Cognate maintainer line (CML B line), ICPL88039B-Rep1 ILLUMINA 8708744400 bp
SRR6325909 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: flower bud from India: Kanpur, ICPL88039A-CMS A, ICPL88039A-Rep3 ILLUMINA 4763059800 bp
SRR6325910 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: flower bud from India: Kanpur, ICPL88039A-CMS A, ICPL88039A-Rep2 ILLUMINA 5203252800 bp
SRR6325911 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: flower bud from India: Kanpur, ICPL88039A-CMS A, ICPL88039A-Rep1 ILLUMINA 5801249700 bp
SRR6325912 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: flower bud from India: Kanpur, ICPL 88039B Cognate maintainer line (CML B line), ICPL88039B-Rep3 ILLUMINA 5461565700 bp
SRR6325913 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: flower bud from India: Kanpur, ICPL 88039B Cognate maintainer line (CML B line), ICPL88039B-Rep2 ILLUMINA 7477971300 bp
PRJNA433596 Comparative transcriptome profiling of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan) and its wild relative (Cajanus platycarpus). -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR6785590 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf from India: New Delhi, Sample 2 ILLUMINA 3531792170 bp
SRR6785591 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf from India: New Delhi, Sample 1 ILLUMINA 3387754524 bp
PRJNA435480 Cajanus cajan isolate:11A_rep1 | cultivar:AKCM11 Raw sequence reads. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR6780151 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: young untreated plant with flower bud from India: New Delhi, R303_rep2 ILLUMINA 8677326322 bp
SRR6780152 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: young untreated plant with flower bud from India: New Delhi, R303_rep1 ILLUMINA 5983023254 bp
SRR6780153 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: young untreated plant with flower bud from India: New Delhi, 11A_rep2 ILLUMINA 13749896186 bp
SRR6780154 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: young untreated plant with flower bud from India: New Delhi, 11A_rep1 ILLUMINA 8389377544 bp
PRJNA435649 This study was aimed at investigating epigenetic changes in two Pigeonpea inbred lines (cytoplasmic male sterile 11A and fertile 303R) and their fertile F1 hybrid. Their findings provide insights into methylome dynamics and changes in gene expression in Pigeonpea from whole genome-wide point of view. Junaid et al., 2018
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR6766045 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 90 days restorer line flowering stage leaf from India, 303R ILLUMINA 8336837839 bp
SRR6766046 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 90 days hybrid flowering stage leaf from India, Hybrid ILLUMINA 4977034249 bp
SRR6766050 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 90 days cms line flowering stage leaf from India, 11A ILLUMINA 7116399934 bp
PRJNA437382 An environment-sensitive male sterile line has been characterized as a thermosensitive male sterile line responding precisely to day temperature. Pazhamala et al., 2020
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR12073759 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering fertile stage 5 plant with anthers desiccated pollen from India, Cajanus sp., F5 - Desiccated pollen (Fertile stage 5) ILLUMINA 3059397499 bp
SRR12073760 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering fertile stage 4 plant with anthers maturing pollen from India, Cajanus sp., F4 - Maturing pollen (Fertile stage 4) ILLUMINA 9958540000 bp
SRR12073761 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering fertile stage 3 plant with anthers microspore from India, Cajanus sp., F3 - Microspore (Fertile stage 3) ILLUMINA 8221386750 bp
SRR12073762 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering fertile stage 2 plant with anthers tetrad from India, Cajanus sp., F2 - Tetrad (Fertile stage 2) ILLUMINA 7628874500 bp
SRR12073763 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering fertile stage 1 plant with anthers pollen mother cells from India, Cajanus sp., F1 -Pollen mother cells (Fertile stage 1) ILLUMINA 6916951750 bp
SRR12073764 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering sterile stage 5 plant with anthers desiccated pollen from India, Cajanus sp., S5 - Desiccated pollen (Sterile stage 5) ILLUMINA 8946377500 bp
SRR12073765 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering sterile stage 4 plant with anthers maturing pollen from India, Cajanus sp., S4 - Maturing pollen (Sterile stage 4) ILLUMINA 9178601750 bp
SRR12073766 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering sterile stage 3 plant with anthers microspore from India, Cajanus sp., S3 - Microspore (Sterile stage 3) ILLUMINA 8986233000 bp
SRR12073767 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering sterile stage 2 plant with anthers tetrad from India, Cajanus sp., S2 - Tetrad (Sterile stage 2) ILLUMINA 7046059750 bp
SRR12073768 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 5 months flowering sterile stage 1 plant with anthers pollen mother cells from India, Cajanus sp., S1 - Pollen mother cells (Sterile stage 1) ILLUMINA 8084236750 bp
PRJNA496592 Comparative response of pigeonpea and its wild relative against pod borer insect larvae. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR8208902 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf1 from India: New Delhi, TTB-7, C2a ILLUMINA 2779165894 bp
SRR8208903 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf4 from India: New Delhi, TTB-7, C3b ILLUMINA 2894833114 bp
SRR8208904 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf3 from India: New Delhi, TTB-7, C3a ILLUMINA 3076751284 bp
SRR8208909 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf6 from India: New Delhi, TTB-7, C4b ILLUMINA 3439294824 bp
SRR8208910 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf5 from India: New Delhi, TTB-7, C4a ILLUMINA 3001847260 bp
SRR8208913 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: leaf2 from India: New Delhi, TTB-7, C2b ILLUMINA 3326118466 bp
PRJNA549058 Molecular basis of heterosis in pigeonpea hybrids. Sinha et al., 2020
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR9859048 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 15 days seedling stage seedlings from India, ICPH 2740 ILLUMINA 7305719400 bp
SRR9859049 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 15 days seedling stage seedlings from India, ICPR 2740 ILLUMINA 7485192720 bp
SRR9859050 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 15 days seedling stage seedlings from India, ICPR 2671 ILLUMINA 7438659120 bp
SRR9859051 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 15 days seedling stage seedlings from India, ICPA 2047 ILLUMINA 6922480140 bp
SRR9859052 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 15 days seedling stage seedlings from India, ICPA 2043 ILLUMINA 7244756640 bp
SRR9859053 RNA-Seq of Cajanus cajan: 15 days seedling stage seedlings from India, ICPH 2671 ILLUMINA 7330869900 bp
PRJNA630454 Comparative transcriptome analysis between pod borer susceptible cajanus cajan and tolerant cajanus scarabaeoides. Njaci et al., 2021
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR11700226 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling with leaves from Kenya:Nairobi, KAT60/8:6, CT_9_S9 ILLUMINA 482752776 bp
SRR11700227 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling with leaves from Kenya:Nairobi, KAT60/8:5, CT_8_S8 ILLUMINA 389069549 bp
SRR11700228 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling with leaves from Kenya:Nairobi, KAT60/8:4, CT_7_S7 ILLUMINA 593766707 bp
SRR11700229 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling with leaves from Kenya:Nairobi, KAT60/8:3, CT_3_S3 ILLUMINA 299193442 bp
SRR11700232 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling with leaves from Kenya:Nairobi, KAT60/8:2, CT_2_S2 ILLUMINA 484644117 bp
SRR11700233 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: seedling with leaves from Kenya:Nairobi, KAT60/8:1, CT_1_S1 ILLUMINA 397771224 bp
PRJNA634080 Genome-wide transcriptome analysis of the A4-CMS line ICPA 2043 and its maintainer ICPB 2043. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR11816980 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 2 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPB 2043, ICPB_2043_Stage_II_R2 ILLUMINA 8841968171 bp
SRR11816981 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 2 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPB 2043, ICPB_2043_Stage_II_R1 ILLUMINA 10849773326 bp
SRR11816982 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 1 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPB 2043, ICPB_2043_Stage_I_R2 ILLUMINA 12405570843 bp
SRR11816983 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 1 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPB 2043, ICPB_2043_Stage_I_R1 ILLUMINA 11564588410 bp
SRR11816984 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 2 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPA 2043, ICPA_2043_Stage_II_R2 ILLUMINA 11796387194 bp
SRR11816985 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 2 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPA 2043, ICPA_2043_Stage_II_R1 ILLUMINA 8051468207 bp
SRR11816986 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 1 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPA 2043, ICPA_2043_Stage_I_R2 ILLUMINA 10727998887 bp
SRR11816987 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: stage 1 flower bud from India: Hyderabad, ICPA 2043, ICPA_2043_Stage_I_R1 ILLUMINA 8928968643 bp
PRJNA635234 The present study was conducted to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the basal thermal tolerance in pigeon pea species through a time-series transcriptome analysis under HS. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR11856663 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks Heat stress: 3 hrs of stress vegetative plant with leaf from India, ICPL 87119, C.cajan_HS ILLUMINA 18721143300 bp
SRR11856664 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks Heat stress: 30 mins of stress vegetative plant with leaf from India, ICPL 87119, C.cajan_HS ILLUMINA 14168079600 bp
SRR11856665 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 4 weeks Heat stress: Control vegetative plant with leaf from India, ICPL 87119, C.cajan_HS ILLUMINA 20474524800 bp
PRJNA637701 Comparative transcriptome analysis was performed between two contrasting waterlogging tolerant (JBP-110B) and sensitive (ICP 7035) pigeon pea genotypes for the identification of differentially expressed genes in leaf tissue under control and stress conditions. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR11940026 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: waterlogging sensitive: Stress vegetative plant with leaf from India, ICP 7035, Cc_1S, C.cajan_S ILLUMINA 21656227324 bp
SRR11940027 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: waterlogging sensitive: Control vegetative plant with leaf from India, ICP 7035, Cc_0S, C.cajan_S ILLUMINA 18012335188 bp
SRR11940028 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: waterlogging tolerant: Stress vegetative plant with leaf from India, JBP-110B, Cc_1T, C.cajan_T ILLUMINA 17357431276 bp
SRR11940029 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: waterlogging tolerant: Control vegetative plant with leaf from India, JBP-110B, Cc_0T, C.cajan_T ILLUMINA 15423220030 bp
PRJNA665784 The study was conducted to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the photoperiod insensitivity in pigeon pea species through a transcriptome analysis of photoperiod sensitive (MAL3) and photoperiod insensitive (ICP20338) genotypes of pigeon pea grown under short day (SD) and long day (LD) condition. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR12717514 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 135 days grown under long day photoperoid reproductive flowering stage leaf from India, MAL3, MAL3_LD ILLUMINA 18440184600 bp
SRR12717515 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 135 days grown under short day photoperoid reproductive flowering stage leaf from India, MAL3, MAL3_SD ILLUMINA 20674254600 bp
SRR12717516 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 50 days grown under long day photoperoid reproductive flowering stage leaf from India, ICP20338, ICP20338_LD ILLUMINA 18135089700 bp
SRR12717517 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 50 days grown under short day photoperoid reproductive flowering stage leaf from India, ICP20338, ICP20338_SD ILLUMINA 19634766000 bp
PRJNA718971 In this study, two pigeonpea 11A and 303R lines were crossed and the resulting F1 hybrid were subjected to bisulfite sequencing for methylome characterization at single base resolution. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR14149935 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 3 month reproductive stage plant with bud from India, Cc_3-2, Pigeonpea ILLUMINA 4575014752 bp
SRR14149936 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 3 month reproductive stage plant with bud from India, Cc_3-1, Pigeonpea ILLUMINA 5134517702 bp
PRJNA752250 The present study was conducted to investigate the molecular mechanisms underlying the floral transition in pigeonpea species through transcriptome analysis of ICPL 20338 genotypes. Kumar et al., 2022
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR20218648 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage buds from India, cv. ICPL 20338, Cc_Reproductive_meristem ILLUMINA 29496971784 bp
SRR20218649 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: reproductive stage leaves from India, cv. ICPL 20338, Cc_Reproductive_leaves ILLUMINA 32998974052 bp
SRR20218650 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: vegetative stage shoot apical meristem from India, cv. ICPL 20338, Cc_Vegetative_meristem ILLUMINA 27077089272 bp
SRR20218651 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: vegetative stage leaves from India, cv. ICPL 20338, Cc_Vegetative_leaves ILLUMINA 33740368952 bp
PRJNA848939 Pigeon pea promotes flavonoid biogenesis in response to melatonin induction. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR19663804 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 72 h\, group 3 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, R72h_3 ILLUMINA 5794660800 bp
SRR19663805 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 72 h\, group 2 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, R72h_2 ILLUMINA 6336940500 bp
SRR19663806 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 72 h\, group 1 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, R72h_1 ILLUMINA 7165613100 bp
SRR19663807 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 12 h\, group 3 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, D12h_3 ILLUMINA 6679885200 bp
SRR19663808 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 12 h\, group 2 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, D12h_2 ILLUMINA 7247472300 bp
SRR19663809 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 12 h\, group 1 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, D12h_1 ILLUMINA 6367812000 bp
SRR19663810 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 0 h\, group 3 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, R0h_3 ILLUMINA 6150033000 bp
SRR19663811 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 0 h\, group 2 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, R0h_2 ILLUMINA 6034596000 bp
PRJNA849379 Cajanus cajan transcriptome or gene expression, cajanus treat with melatonin for 0 h, group 1. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR19665649 RNA-seq of Cajanus cajan: 1 month treat with melatonin for 0 h\, group 1 plant with root from China: Beijing, ICPL87119, R0h_1 ILLUMINA 6169255500 bp