
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA593817 Transcriptomes analyses of six species in Dalbergia Tin et al., 2020
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR10592611 RNA-Seq of Dalbergia sissoo: 1 month plant with pooled (leaf\, stem\, root); DBSI_gp1 ILLUMINA 21948273000 bp
PRJNA910142 Effects Botryodiplodia theobromeae inoculation on Dalbergia sissoo Zafar et al., 2023
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR22575710 RNA-Seq of Dalbergia sissoo: plant with leaf; GSM6806576 BGISEQ 4302409200 bp
SRR22575711 RNA-Seq of Dalbergia sissoo: plant with leaf; GSM6806575 BGISEQ 7108962000 bp
SRR22575712 RNA-Seq of Dalbergia sissoo: plant with leaf; GSM6806574 BGISEQ 7105464000 bp