Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
ERR8484622 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AA_RB, 216M1 |
21479179062 bp |
ERR8484623 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AB_RB, 216M2 |
20149552158 bp |
ERR8484624 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AC_RB, 216R1 |
25527350697 bp |
ERR8484625 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AD_RB, 216R2 |
24222238913 bp |
ERR8484626 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AE_RB, 194M1 |
19951632233 bp |
ERR8484627 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AF_RB, 194M2 |
22129344720 bp |
ERR8484628 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AG_RB, 194R1 |
24075036494 bp |
ERR8484629 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AH_RB, 194R2 |
20426769589 bp |
ERR8484630 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AI_RB, 185M1 |
19259258909 bp |
ERR8484631 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AJ_RB, 185M2 |
28600192629 bp |
ERR8484632 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AK_RB, 185R1 |
26185002403 bp |
ERR8484633 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AL_RB, 185R2 |
25284921105 bp |
ERR8484634 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AM_RB, 525M1 |
24574475384 bp |
ERR8484635 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AN_RB, 525M2 |
28101917520 bp |
ERR8484636 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AO_RB, 525R1 |
21192059759 bp |
ERR8484637 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AP_RB, 525R2 |
19970259328 bp |
ERR8484638 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AQ_RB, 354M1 |
26839235544 bp |
ERR8484639 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AR_RB, 354M2 |
27820044906 bp |
ERR8484640 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AS_RB, 354R1 |
24226518120 bp |
ERR8484641 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AT_RB, 354R2 |
26762281661 bp |
ERR8484642 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AU_RB, CBRM1 |
24817971047 bp |
ERR8484643 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AV_RB, CBRM2 |
22879865596 bp |
ERR8484644 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AW_RB, CBRR1 |
29112036185 bp |
ERR8484645 |
RNA-Seq of Fagus sylvatica: 50-100 years old adultplant with plagiotrope branches ecodormant buds from France: Verzy Forest\, Champagne, CRK_AX_RB, CBRR2 |
24336431415 bp |