Bioproject |
Description |
Publication |
GVCF File |
Library Num. |
PRJNA577872 |
To study genetic mechanisms of frost resistance in this species we tested 17 frost sensitive and frost tolerant clones in climate control chamber experiments and generated four de novo assemblies of the coast redwood transcriptome from a pooled RNA sample using Trinity and CLC Genomic Workbench software with different filtering options. |
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Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR10482197 |
RNA-Seq of Sequoia sempervirens: 9 months -10°C cold stress treatment plant with needle, SESE_transcriptome_assembly |
40660567664 bp |
PRJNA769654 |
Phylogenomic analyses on the Cupressaceae |
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Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR16250066 |
RNA-Seq of Sequoia sempervirens: leaves from China: Botanic Garden\, Institute of Botany\, Beijing, Seq_sempers1 |
5398330968 bp |