
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA939214 Researchers therefore set out to develop the first chromosome-scale reference assembly for C. americana, using two accessions, "Rush" and "Winkler", which have been historically widely used in hazelnut breeding in the Eastern United States. Brainard et al., 2023
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR23636415 WGS of Corylus americana var. rush: mature plant with leaf from USA: NCGR in Corvallis\, Oregon, Rush, Cam_Rush_KernelRNA, PI-557022 ILLUMINA 13798370034 bp
SRR23636416 WGS of Corylus americana var. rush: mature plant with leaf from USA: NCGR in Corvallis\, Oregon, Rush, Cam_Rush_LeafRNA, PI-557022 ILLUMINA 14113764942 bp