Bioproject |
Description |
Publication |
GVCF File |
Library Num. |
PRJNA333377 |
Corymbia citriodora strain: CV2-046 | cultivar:variegata CV2-046 Genome sequencing. |
Healey et al., 2021 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR4063843 |
WGS of Corymbia citriodora: variegata CV2-046, SXNZ, 7958, Gp0113608 |
21341993700 bp |
PRJNA333375 |
Corymbia citriodora variegata CV2-025 Resequencing genome sequencing. |
Healey et al., 2021 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR5413432 |
WGS of Corymbia citriodora: variegata CV2-025, SXOB, 8299, Gp0113606 |
32611823400 bp |
SRR5413433 |
WGS of Corymbia citriodora: variegata CV2-025, SXOB, 8025, Gp0113606 |
18756270900 bp |
PRJNA333374 |
Corymbia citriodora strain: CV2-019 | cultivar:variegata CV2-019 Genome sequencing. |
Healey et al., 2021 |
Library |
Title |
Platform |
Total Base |
VCF File |
SRR4063846 |
WGS of Corymbia citriodora: variegata CV2-019, SXGS, 8026, Gp0113605 |
21777645600 bp |