
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA730337 A chromosome-level genome assembly of Taxus chinensis var. mairei uncovers its unique genome evolution process and genetic architectures for the paclitaxel biosynthesis pathway. Xiong et al., 2021
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR14744720 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_genome_seq10 ILLUMINA 55983159000 bp
SRR14744721 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq9 ILLUMINA 41901847800 bp
SRR14744722 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq8 ILLUMINA 47303415000 bp
SRR14744723 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq7 ILLUMINA 44025808800 bp
SRR14744729 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq6 ILLUMINA 43180218000 bp
SRR14744740 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq5 ILLUMINA 48774515400 bp
SRR14744751 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq4 ILLUMINA 42731301000 bp
SRR14744762 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq3 ILLUMINA 41733876300 bp
SRR14744768 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq15 ILLUMINA 45779041500 bp
SRR14744769 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq14 ILLUMINA 46959285000 bp
SRR14744770 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq13 ILLUMINA 46878755400 bp
SRR14744771 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq12 ILLUMINA 45005501700 bp
SRR14744772 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq11 ILLUMINA 46465880100 bp
SRR14744773 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxue_genome_seq2 ILLUMINA 49204538700 bp
SRR14744774 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_genome_seq1 ILLUMINA 47805919500 bp
SRR14756459 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq10 PACBIO_SMRT 26634456282 bp
SRR14756460 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq9 PACBIO_SMRT 347039882 bp
SRR14756461 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq8 PACBIO_SMRT 21873762689 bp
SRR14756462 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq7 PACBIO_SMRT 20332512966 bp
SRR14756463 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq6 PACBIO_SMRT 5489906600 bp
SRR14756464 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq5 PACBIO_SMRT 18796172273 bp
SRR14756465 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq4 PACBIO_SMRT 8979037930 bp
SRR14756466 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq3 PACBIO_SMRT 8003498000 bp
SRR14756467 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_hifi2 PACBIO_SMRT 17658571387 bp
SRR14756468 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with leaf from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_hifi1 PACBIO_SMRT 8403607366 bp
SRR14756469 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq17 PACBIO_SMRT 12576509209 bp
SRR14756470 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq16 PACBIO_SMRT 12382866999 bp
SRR14756471 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq15 PACBIO_SMRT 31349868797 bp
SRR14756472 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq14 PACBIO_SMRT 6644966859 bp
SRR14756473 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq13 PACBIO_SMRT 27721862887 bp
SRR14756474 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq12 PACBIO_SMRT 4543865936 bp
SRR14756475 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq11 PACBIO_SMRT 20273491932 bp
SRR14756476 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq2 PACBIO_SMRT 11043643594 bp
SRR14756477 WGS of Taxus chinensis: mature stage plant with endosperm from China:Hunan, taxus_pacbio_seq1 PACBIO_SMRT 6761893797 bp