
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA486011 Theobroma cacao breed:multiple breeds Raw sequence reads. Cornejo et al., 2018
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR7774156 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_47, EB2237_A1 ILLUMINA 3984418605 bp
SRR7774157 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_42, CUR3_G37_A6 ILLUMINA 3839946144 bp
SRR7774158 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_48, EET103_Borde ILLUMINA 4837172856 bp
SRR7774159 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_41, CUR3_G35_A1 ILLUMINA 4128156351 bp
SRR7774160 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_149, RB_40 ILLUMINA 6385175862 bp
SRR7774161 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_150, RB_47_PL3 ILLUMINA 30996482583 bp
SRR7774162 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_143, PMF_27 ILLUMINA 11513547288 bp
SRR7774163 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_144, POUND_10_B ILLUMINA 14748093666 bp
SRR7774164 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_141, PBC123 ILLUMINA 6014446677 bp
SRR7774165 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_142, PMF_20 ILLUMINA 12680149167 bp
SRR7774166 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_147, Pound_7 ILLUMINA 8444242707 bp
SRR7774167 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_148, RB39PL1 ILLUMINA 12127036749 bp
SRR7774168 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_145, POUND_7_B ILLUMINA 15359769612 bp
SRR7774169 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_146, PlayaAlta1 ILLUMINA 3916723470 bp
SRR7774170 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_43, CUR3_G38_A8 ILLUMINA 3265374480 bp
SRR7774171 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_4, 2416 ILLUMINA 4101460053 bp
SRR7774172 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_27, CCAT1858_EET547 ILLUMINA 4298864271 bp
SRR7774173 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_28, CCAT4675_EET575 ILLUMINA 3905192403 bp
SRR7774175 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_26, CCAT1119_EET544_A1 ILLUMINA 4370893398 bp
SRR7774176 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_23, CAB_76_PL3 ILLUMINA 20027583657 bp
SRR7774177 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_24, CAB_77_PL5 ILLUMINA 9366833337 bp
SRR7774178 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_21, Brisas-1 ILLUMINA 7723898280 bp
SRR7774179 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_22, CAB_71_PL3 ILLUMINA 5548311378 bp
SRR7774180 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_5, 2462 ILLUMINA 3871339659 bp
SRR7774181 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_29, CCAT4688_EET576_A1 ILLUMINA 3549641673 bp
SRR7774182 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_30, CCAT4998_EET577 ILLUMINA 2667892410 bp
SRR7774183 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_8, AGU_3339_12 ILLUMINA 6928368801 bp
SRR7774184 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_3, 2367 ILLUMINA 4541255754 bp
SRR7774185 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_98, LP_4_48 ILLUMINA 11190320538 bp
SRR7774186 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_7, 2748 ILLUMINA 3430816638 bp
SRR7774187 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_97, LP_3_40 ILLUMINA 9761527977 bp
SRR7774188 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_183, TRD86 ILLUMINA 11262690792 bp
SRR7774189 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_160, SIAL169 ILLUMINA 12313445037 bp
SRR7774190 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_159, SC_1 ILLUMINA 16393462722 bp
SRR7774191 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_184, TRD_45 ILLUMINA 9562773606 bp
SRR7774192 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_95, LCT_EEN_46 ILLUMINA 14384585307 bp
SRR7774193 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_152, REDAMEL_1_31 ILLUMINA 8936081982 bp
SRR7774194 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_151, REDAMEL_1_27 ILLUMINA 8925188799 bp
SRR7774195 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_154, SCA_10 ILLUMINA 9964635306 bp
SRR7774196 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_153, SCA6** ILLUMINA 4190845593 bp
SRR7774197 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_156, SCA_19 ILLUMINA 7261130142 bp
SRR7774198 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_155, SCA_11 ILLUMINA 8530578027 bp
SRR7774199 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_158, SCA_5 ILLUMINA 12770655702 bp
SRR7774200 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_157, SCA_24.2 ILLUMINA 9175401843 bp
SRR7774201 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_93, LCT46_A1 ILLUMINA 3960418350 bp
SRR7774202 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Papua New Guinea, fya_92, KA2 ILLUMINA 6046474422 bp
SRR7774203 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Papua New Guinea, fya_91, K82 ILLUMINA 6472651317 bp
SRR7774204 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_54, EET58_A1 ILLUMINA 4378926630 bp
SRR7774205 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_53, EET462_A1 ILLUMINA 4867881246 bp
SRR7774206 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_52, EET451_A1 ILLUMINA 3480879309 bp
SRR7774207 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_51, EET446_A1 ILLUMINA 3731883705 bp
SRR7774208 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_58, EET_400 ILLUMINA 2736222645 bp
SRR7774209 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_57, EET_395 ILLUMINA 8603001438 bp
SRR7774210 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_56, EET_103 ILLUMINA 9436421418 bp
SRR7774211 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_55, EET95_A2 ILLUMINA 3852410634 bp
SRR7774212 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_60, EET_59 ILLUMINA 15284182098 bp
SRR7774213 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_59, EET_58 ILLUMINA 4295625000 bp
SRR7774214 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_99, LX_32 ILLUMINA 12087344130 bp
SRR7774215 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_45, Catongo ILLUMINA 19412167842 bp
SRR7774216 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_129, PA_107 ILLUMINA 11709348444 bp
SRR7774217 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_130, PA_120 ILLUMINA 21387065841 bp
SRR7774218 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Bolivia, fya_125, NH_53 ILLUMINA 12630530370 bp
SRR7774219 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_126, OC_61 ILLUMINA 14641064439 bp
SRR7774220 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_127, PA107_A1 ILLUMINA 3367230165 bp
SRR7774221 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_128, PA289 ILLUMINA 17379036828 bp
SRR7774222 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_121, NA_33_T2 ILLUMINA 12283553577 bp
SRR7774223 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_122, NA_712 ILLUMINA 12047748342 bp
SRR7774224 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_123, NA_92 ILLUMINA 12398800041 bp
SRR7774225 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Bolivia, fya_124, NH_40 ILLUMINA 12116760222 bp
SRR7774226 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_44, CUR3_G39_A10 ILLUMINA 3725463105 bp
SRR7774227 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_69, GU_307 ILLUMINA 9475335735 bp
SRR7774228 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_70, GU_308A ILLUMINA 13634478180 bp
SRR7774229 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_80, IMC67 ILLUMINA 14704330839 bp
SRR7774230 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_79, ICS_95 ILLUMINA 2468550528 bp
SRR7774231 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_140, PA_88 ILLUMINA 11075463834 bp
SRR7774232 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_139, PA_70 ILLUMINA 11515006887 bp
SRR7774233 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_134, PA_150 ILLUMINA 17885134446 bp
SRR7774234 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_133, PA_137 ILLUMINA 8424735480 bp
SRR7774235 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_132, PA_13 ILLUMINA 6975482520 bp
SRR7774236 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_131, PA_121 ILLUMINA 19637041005 bp
SRR7774237 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_138, PA_56 ILLUMINA 12225785751 bp
SRR7774238 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_137, PA_51 ILLUMINA 17351637135 bp
SRR7774239 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_136, PA_218 ILLUMINA 13610377875 bp
SRR7774240 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_135, PA_169 ILLUMINA 16292706021 bp
SRR7774241 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_49, EET397 ILLUMINA 20282068227 bp
SRR7774242 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_10, AMAZ-11_G21_A10 ILLUMINA 4995113265 bp
SRR7774243 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_9, AMAZ-11_G18_A1 ILLUMINA 4048093644 bp
SRR7774244 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_189, UF273_T1 ILLUMINA 8353935663 bp
SRR7774245 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_190, UF273_T2 ILLUMINA 6785179677 bp
SRR7774246 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_187, TSH516 ILLUMINA 13187203785 bp
SRR7774247 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_188, UF12 ILLUMINA 7409174649 bp
SRR7774248 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_185, TSA654Zymo ILLUMINA 17915860236 bp
SRR7774249 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Brazil, fya_186, TSH1188 ILLUMINA 6549250815 bp
SRR7774250 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_2, 2126 ILLUMINA 2843955180 bp
SRR7774251 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_1, 2076 ILLUMINA 4495564137 bp
SRR7774252 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_181, TAP6_G12_A1 ILLUMINA 4902073290 bp
SRR7774253 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_182, TIP-1_G41_A1 ILLUMINA 4260729561 bp
SRR7774254 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_65, GU_175_P ILLUMINA 10984340295 bp
SRR7774255 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_71, ICA_70 ILLUMINA 10305496956 bp
SRR7774256 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_66, GU_291_F ILLUMINA 13300293606 bp
SRR7774257 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_84, IMC_36 ILLUMINA 10337653896 bp
SRR7774258 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_107, MAN_15_2 ILLUMINA 8812596705 bp
SRR7774259 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_108, MATINA_Tica2 ILLUMINA 5218486635 bp
SRR7774260 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_105, M06 ILLUMINA 8221786143 bp
SRR7774261 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_106, M07 ILLUMINA 5518588002 bp
SRR7774262 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_103, M04 ILLUMINA 9553341240 bp
SRR7774263 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_104, M05 ILLUMINA 19487935968 bp
SRR7774264 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_101, M01 ILLUMINA 11314935249 bp
SRR7774265 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_102, M02 ILLUMINA 10822986354 bp
SRR7774266 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_63, GU255_V ILLUMINA 7751414031 bp
SRR7774267 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_64, GU_114_P ILLUMINA 5705264859 bp
SRR7774268 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_61, ELP_20_A ILLUMINA 11852632659 bp
SRR7774269 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_62, FSC_13 ILLUMINA 8731856181 bp
SRR7774270 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_67, GU_222 ILLUMINA 11078230782 bp
SRR7774271 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_68, GU_300_P ILLUMINA 12009443721 bp
SRR7774272 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_109, MO_109 ILLUMINA 11020903089 bp
SRR7774273 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_110, MO_4 ILLUMINA 6966533091 bp
SRR7774274 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_85, IMC_47 ILLUMINA 9313839288 bp
SRR7774275 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Venezuela, fya_200, sp9 ILLUMINA 8895433929 bp
SRR7774276 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Venezuela, fya_199, sp3 ILLUMINA 6678513327 bp
SRR7774277 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_196, mvP30 ILLUMINA 8607630708 bp
SRR7774278 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_195, criollo ILLUMINA 3858162813 bp
SRR7774279 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Venezuela, fya_198, sp1 ILLUMINA 5871027264 bp
SRR7774280 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_197, mvT85 ILLUMINA 6148076589 bp
SRR7774281 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_192, UF_668 ILLUMINA 15008385399 bp
SRR7774282 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_191, UF_11 ILLUMINA 10879055157 bp
SRR7774283 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_194, UNAP2_G78_A2 ILLUMINA 3695850567 bp
SRR7774284 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_193, UF_676 ILLUMINA 8069179965 bp
SRR7774285 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_86, IMC_50 ILLUMINA 6536653911 bp
SRR7774286 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_116, Mocorongo ILLUMINA 13550223030 bp
SRR7774287 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_115, Matina ILLUMINA 11335709892 bp
SRR7774288 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_118, NA702 ILLUMINA 16231208505 bp
SRR7774289 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_117, NA45 ILLUMINA 11723944695 bp
SRR7774290 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_112, MO_99 ILLUMINA 11586000975 bp
SRR7774291 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_111, MO_9 ILLUMINA 9657347826 bp
SRR7774292 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_114, M_8 ILLUMINA 15225804141 bp
SRR7774293 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_113, MXC_67 ILLUMINA 8461685859 bp
SRR7774294 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_120, NA_331 ILLUMINA 13754032426 bp
SRR7774295 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_119, NA_286 ILLUMINA 13725804168 bp
SRR7774296 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_100, LX_43 ILLUMINA 9442193520 bp
SRR7774297 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_96, LCT_EEN_83_S-8 ILLUMINA 10106106528 bp
SRR7774298 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_6, 2699 ILLUMINA 4370855727 bp
SRR7774299 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_72, ICS39 ILLUMINA 16775276316 bp
SRR7774300 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_20, B_6_8 ILLUMINA 7528065282 bp
SRR7774301 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_19, B_6_3 ILLUMINA 13973860308 bp
SRR7774302 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Indonesia, fya_18, BR25 ILLUMINA 9311783913 bp
SRR7774303 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_17, BE_10 ILLUMINA 8575207809 bp
SRR7774304 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_16, AM_2_18 ILLUMINA 11754219477 bp
SRR7774305 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_15, AM_1_54 ILLUMINA 5807999070 bp
SRR7774306 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_14, AMAZ_15_15 ILLUMINA 11033431698 bp
SRR7774307 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_13, AMAZ_12 ILLUMINA 19113820134 bp
SRR7774308 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_12, AMAZ-14_G24_A5 ILLUMINA 4931299287 bp
SRR7774309 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_11, AMAZ-14_G23_A1 ILLUMINA 4514080869 bp
SRR7774310 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_74, ICS_1 ILLUMINA 16023256929 bp
SRR7774311 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_73, ICS40 ILLUMINA 17350198590 bp
SRR7774312 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_76, ICS_6 ILLUMINA 9644306874 bp
SRR7774313 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_75, ICS_43 ILLUMINA 9466424325 bp
SRR7774314 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_78, ICS_61 ILLUMINA 8579802888 bp
SRR7774315 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_77, ICS_60 ILLUMINA 18128527386 bp
SRR7774316 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_161, SIAL70 ILLUMINA 9225022989 bp
SRR7774317 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_162, SIAL84 ILLUMINA 23000109525 bp
SRR7774318 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_163, SIC806 ILLUMINA 7888742400 bp
SRR7774319 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_164, SIL-1_G56_A6 ILLUMINA 3513503178 bp
SRR7774320 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_165, SJ_2_22 ILLUMINA 10201722573 bp
SRR7774321 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_166, SLC_4 ILLUMINA 5583445371 bp
SRR7774322 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_167, SNA0707 ILLUMINA 5700692139 bp
SRR7774323 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_168, SPA_7 ILLUMINA 9980969904 bp
SRR7774324 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_169, SPEC_194_75 ILLUMINA 11223748548 bp
SRR7774325 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_170, SPEC_54_1 ILLUMINA 14322333327 bp
SRR7774326 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from USA, fya_94, LCTEEN_141 ILLUMINA 12372361463 bp
SRR7774327 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_89, JA_5_36 ILLUMINA 14762622666 bp
SRR7774328 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_81, IMC_12 ILLUMINA 11934247185 bp
SRR7774329 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_82, IMC_14 ILLUMINA 9359034483 bp
SRR7774330 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_83, IMC_20 ILLUMINA 7973988567 bp
SRR7774331 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_90, JA_5_5 ILLUMINA 9235066356 bp
SRR7774332 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_180, TAP3_G70_A2 ILLUMINA 3861974892 bp
SRR7774333 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_179, TAP10_G12_A1 ILLUMINA 4085958567 bp
SRR7774334 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_178, T695_SCA-6_A1 ILLUMINA 3601649403 bp
SRR7774335 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_177, T686_LCT-368_A1 ILLUMINA 2995261839 bp
SRR7774336 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_176, T685_EET387_A1 ILLUMINA 2212412697 bp
SRR7774337 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_175, T684_EET233_A1 ILLUMINA 3466377888 bp
SRR7774338 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_174, T682_A1_D147 ILLUMINA 3036765015 bp
SRR7774339 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_173, T680_A1 ILLUMINA 3698064021 bp
SRR7774340 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_172, T678_B60_A1 ILLUMINA 2431644606 bp
SRR7774341 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_171, T675_A645_A1 ILLUMINA 4102186590 bp
SRR7774342 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_50, EET400_Arbol-122 ILLUMINA 4374563667 bp
SRR7774343 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_87, IMC_51 ILLUMINA 30843367455 bp
SRR7774344 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_88, JA_5_35 ILLUMINA 8770991304 bp
SRR7774345 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_36, CRUZ_7_14 ILLUMINA 3675434451 bp
SRR7774346 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_35, COCA_3370_5 ILLUMINA 10031054760 bp
SRR7774347 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_38, CRU_59 ILLUMINA 7999433805 bp
SRR7774348 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_37, CRU_101 ILLUMINA 6234408516 bp
SRR7774349 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Brazil, fya_32, CCN51 ILLUMINA 8916061629 bp
SRR7774350 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_31, CCN10 ILLUMINA 17435218296 bp
SRR7774351 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_34, CL_27_50 ILLUMINA 7816140378 bp
SRR7774352 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_33, CC_71 ILLUMINA 6665820027 bp
SRR7774353 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Ecuador, fya_46, EB-19-1S ILLUMINA 10852376259 bp
SRR7774354 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_40, CS_146 ILLUMINA 12035416527 bp
SRR7774355 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Trinidad and Tobago, fya_39, CRU_89 ILLUMINA 10167816324 bp
SRR7800376 WGS of Theobroma cacao: adult plant with leaf from Costa Rica, fya_25, CATIE_1000 ILLUMINA 3842043434 bp
PRJNA51633 Theobroma cacao Matina 1-6 genome sequencing project. Motamayor et al., 2013
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR870667 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, Matina short v3, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA ILLUMINA 12599902770 bp
SRR866507 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3F, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 406113776 bp
SRR866509 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8F, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 494764071 bp
SRR866577 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8A, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 587138485 bp
SRR866582 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8E, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 326882777 bp
SRR867168 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 460003232 bp
SRR867169 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 490908012 bp
SRR867170 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 595792711 bp
SRR867171 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 558375093 bp
SRR867172 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 495129255 bp
SRR867173 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 564721202 bp
SRR867174 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 701223909 bp
SRR867175 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 452045216 bp
SRR867177 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 258222645 bp
SRR867178 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 360062010 bp
SRR867180 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 555509079 bp
SRR867181 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 467006643 bp
SRR867182 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 481007981 bp
SRR867185 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINE, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 505965108 bp
SRR866472 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 882427279 bp
SRR866474 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 676568842 bp
SRR866481 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 764500961 bp
SRR866483 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 687222434 bp
SRR866484 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 737423955 bp
SRR866485 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 623536969 bp
SRR866487 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 742923194 bp
SRR866488 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, LINC, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 630888043 bp
SRR866508 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3F, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 429898589 bp
SRR866510 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8F, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 548894439 bp
SRR866578 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8A, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 605547964 bp
SRR866580 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8A, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 602652161 bp
SRR866581 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8A, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 500730682 bp
SRR866584 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8E, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 679965534 bp
SRR866585 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8E, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 681421878 bp
SRR866586 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC8E, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 529743973 bp
SRR866591 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3A, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 489885758 bp
SRR866592 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3A, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 234548340 bp
SRR866600 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3B, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 503676540 bp
SRR866602 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3B, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 497063014 bp
SRR866604 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3B, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 443003983 bp
SRR866606 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3D, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 517291612 bp
SRR866607 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC3D, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 491078597 bp
SRR866608 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC5C, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 324156846 bp
SRR866609 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC5C, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 621690581 bp
SRR866610 WGS of Theobroma cacao: neotropical diploid plant with leaves from Costa Rica: Matina river valley, Matina, TC5C, Theobroma cacao Matina1-6 nuclear DNA LS454 605382719 bp
PRJNA421343 Theobroma cacao isolate:B | cultivar:Pound 7 Genome sequencing and assembly. Morrissey et al., 2019
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR7233627 WGS of Theobroma cacao: mature plant with leaf from USA: Mars Miami greenhouse, Pound 7, old illumina 2, Pound 7 B ILLUMINA 9567627990 bp
SRR7233628 WGS of Theobroma cacao: mature plant with leaf from USA: Mars Miami greenhouse, Pound 7, old illumina 1, Pound 7 B ILLUMINA 9809173556 bp
PRJNA158015 Theobroma cocoa Illumina paired end sequencing data submitted by CSHL. -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR089356 WGS of Theobroma cacao: Theobroma cocoa ILLUMINA 18424421600 bp