
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA869669 Genome Skimming data of Acer -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR21071130 WGS of Acer negundo: leaf, HZ312 ILLUMINA 3008594100 bp
PRJNA750066 DNA and RNA sequencing used in the assembly and annotation of Acer negundo McEvoy et al., 2021
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR17273852 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Edgewater\, Maryland, 91603, ACNE genome reference individual, HiC-NE_S5_L004 ILLUMINA 8688737240 bp
SRR17273853 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Edgewater\, Maryland, 91603, ACNE genome reference individual, HiC-NE_S5_L003 ILLUMINA 8755912728 bp
SRR17273854 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Edgewater\, Maryland, 91603, ACNE genome reference individual, HiC-NE_S5_L002 ILLUMINA 8637898864 bp
SRR17273855 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Edgewater\, Maryland, 91603, ACNE genome reference individual, HiC-NE_S5_L001 ILLUMINA 4800168436 bp
SRR17273856 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Edgewater\, Maryland, 91603, ACNE genome reference individual, L008 ILLUMINA 54128182988 bp
SRR17273857 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Edgewater\, Maryland, 91603, ACNE genome reference individual, L007 ILLUMINA 39451297068 bp
SRR17273858 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Edgewater\, Maryland, 91603, ACNE genome reference individual, PL100103930-1 PACBIO_SMRT 63454736595 bp
SRR24951570 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Massachusetts\, Boston, Arnold Arboretum Accession 253-2013*B, ACNE v2 reference individual, AN-B_S55_L002_illumina ILLUMINA 46643301844 bp
SRR24951571 WGS of Acer negundo: adult plant with leaf from USA: Massachusetts\, Boston, Arnold Arboretum Accession 253-2013*B, ACNE v2 reference individual, acne_superaccuracy_all_ONT OXFORD_NANOPORE 29557307809 bp
PRJNA683796 Characterize the complete plastid genome sequence of Acer negundo
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR13236643 WGS of Acer negundo: 5 years old plant with leaf from China:Shaanxi, SX10310 ILLUMINA 2680688606 bp