
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA680201 This study reported the first chromosome-level female and male reference genomes and use them to study pistachio domestication and the sex chromosomes evolution. Kafkas et al., 2023
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR13214156 miRNA-Seq of Pistacia vera: female bud from Turkey: Gaziantep, smallRNAseq_Female-P2 ILLUMINA 1.18 G
SRR13214157 miRNA-Seq of Pistacia vera: female bud from Turkey: Gaziantep, smallRNAseq_Female-P1 ILLUMINA 1.12 G
SRR13214164 miRNA-Seq of Pistacia vera: male bud from Turkey: Gaziantep, smallRNAseq_Male-P2 ILLUMINA 1.16 G
SRR13214165 miRNA-Seq of Pistacia vera: male bud from Turkey: Gaziantep, smallRNAseq_Male-P1 ILLUMINA 1.14 G