
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA544153 Transcriptome variation patterns of poplar under exogenous 6-BA treatment -
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR10947458 miRNA-Seq of Populus tomentosa: leaves from annual branch from China: Shandong, 2-CK-2 ILLUMINA 2.01 G
SRR10947459 miRNA-Seq of Populus tomentosa: leaves from annual branch from China: Shandong, 2-CK-1 ILLUMINA 281.95 M
SRR10947456 miRNA-Seq of Populus tomentosa: leaves from annual branch from China: Shandong, 2-6BA-1 ILLUMINA 4.66 G
SRR10947457 miRNA-Seq of Populus tomentosa: leaves from annual branch from China: Shandong, 2-CK-3 ILLUMINA 6.31 G
SRR10947470 miRNA-Seq of Populus tomentosa: leaves from annual branch from China: Shandong, 2-6BA-3 ILLUMINA 3.92 G
SRR10947471 miRNA-Seq of Populus tomentosa: leaves from annual branch from China: Shandong, 2-6BA-2 ILLUMINA 4.81 G