
Bioproject Description Publication GVCF File Library Num.
PRJNA340932 the transcriptome sequence of citrus ichangensis Wang et al., 2017
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR4097556 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: mature stage plant with leaf from China, YCLF-1 ILLUMINA 7440320250 bp
SRR4098338 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: mature stage plant with leaf from China, YCLF-2 ILLUMINA 6983623000 bp
SRR4098611 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: young stage plant with fruit from China, YCYF-1 ILLUMINA 6435934250 bp
SRR4098657 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: young stage plant with fruit from China, YCYF-2 ILLUMINA 7225930500 bp
PRJNA853264 Genomic and transcriptomic data of Citrus species. Perez-Roman et al., 2022
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR19860377 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: fruitlet stage plant with pulp from Spain: Valencia, Ichang papeda, L10, ICH_R1 ILLUMINA 7458559800 bp
SRR19860391 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: fruitlet stage plant with pulp from Spain: Valencia, Ichang papeda, L12, ICH_R3 ILLUMINA 7356241800 bp
SRR19860392 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: fruitlet stage plant with pulp from Spain: Valencia, Ichang papeda, L11, ICH_R2 ILLUMINA 6054096300 bp
PRJNA894942 Evolutionary dynamics of alternative splicing in citrus revealed by Nanopore RNAseq Hu et al., 2022
Library Title Platform Total Base VCF File
SRR22063093 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: leaf from China, 4 OXFORD_NANOPORE 5666354247 bp
SRR22063100 RNA-Seq of Citrus cavaleriei: leaf from China, 13 ILLUMINA 7121164200 bp